Thoughts on Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle

-Following the life of Dorothy Parker during her time with the Alonquin Circle, a group of writers, actors, and such who met everyday at the same table at the Alonquin Hotel.

-Jennifer Jason Leigh, who is kind of amazing as Parker, getting the voice down and all that.

-Matthew Broderick plays Charles MacArthur, who is a douchebag in this. Gwyneth Paltrow keep showing up as a fictional actress for some reason. Maybe as an excuse to go topless. I don't know. Also, Stephen Baldwin.

-Why is it these biopic movies of awesome people always attract the biggest notable casts? Chaplin, etc. Though it might be because this particular film was directed by Robert Altman.

-I'm afraid I'll be without computer for a few days, starting when this battery goes out, so sorry if this is rather short. And shitty.

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