Graduate Schools Trip, and Come Visit! I'm Having a Giveaway!!
My older son and husband flew to Florida last week to visit a couple of graduate schools that my son is considering attending next year. They took some pictures that I thought I'd share with you.
taking off
hotel where they stayed
the view from the hotel
a cool palm tree (probably not too exciting to those of you who live in Florida, but to those of us who see mostly elm, oak, and maple trees, palm trees are interesting)
on campus at one of the schools
my son
a pier at a nearby beach
This is an Italian restaurant where they dined one evening. Although I don't know for sure, I would imagine that the tables inside were those cute little bistro sets, you know, the ones with chairs made of curlicue wrought iron and a round table top on an iron pedestal.
coming in for a landing
I'm sure some of you noticed that there was a link there under the pictures to
an online furniture site. That site is one of the over 200 sites that are part of CSN stores. A while back, some of you may remember that I did a giveaway on my other blog for a prize from CSN stores. Well, they have contacted me again and would like me to do two more giveaways, one from this blog and one from my other blog. (The link to my other blog is over there in the sidebar if you want to enter in that giveaway too.)
So now, one of you, my lucky readers, will win a $50 gift certificate to CSN stores from this giveaway. A couple of restrictions you need to know, I can only give this certificate to a resident of the United States or Canada. Apologies to those who read this blog who don't fit into that restriction. Also, the gift certificate can not be used to cover shipping costs for what you order, but there are numerous items in the online catalogs of these stores that have free shipping, so don't let that stipulation stop you from entering the giveaway contest.
Now, this is what you must do to enter the contest. Click on this link to visit the Dining Rooms Direct CSN store site. Look it over and then click on your back button to return to this blog. Leave me a comment telling me which of the bistro sets you saw there that you liked the best. That's all you have to do to enter. If you are already a follower of this blog or if you become a follower, I will give you a second entry in the giveaway when you leave a comment telling me which is your favorite bistro set.
You will have until 5:00 pm Eastern Standard time on Wednesday, September 1st to comment here on this post to be entered in the giveaway. I will use a random number generator to choose a winner. I will notify the winner who will have until 5:00 pm Eastern Standard time on Friday, September 3rd to get back to me with their email address. If I don't hear back from the winner by that time, I will choose another one. The $50 gift certificate which can be used at any of the CSN stores will then be emailed to the winner. If you'd like to comment here but don't want to be included in the giveaway, just don't mention anything about your favorite item from the link in your comment. Also, don't forget I am running a second giveaway on my other blog simultaneously, so be sure and visit over there to enter that giveaway too! Good luck!