It's meme time, bitches: Billy Loves Stu

The eponymous Billy asks, nay, demands your attention to these questions, the first ever for horror bloggers (I think). See, I'm not a horror blogger, but goddammit, neither are half the people who did it anyway. So.

1: In Ten Words or Less, Describe Your Blog:

-Это blog, о фильмах, и музыке, и mustaches иногда.

2: During What Cinematic Era Where you Born?
A: The Classic Horror Era (late 30's to 40's)
B: The Atomic Monster/Nuclear Angst Era (the late 40's through 50's)
C: The Psycho Era ( Early 60's)
D: The Rosemary's Baby Era (Mid to Late 60's)
E: The Exorcism Era (Early to mid 70's)
F: The Halloween Era (Late 70's to Early 80's)
G: The Slasher Era (Mid to late 80's)
H: The Self Referential/Post Modern Era (1990 to 1999)

-The goddamn Self Referential period.

3: The Carrie Compatibility Question:
(gay men and straight women - make your choice from section A)
A: Billy Nolan or Tommy Ross, who would you take to the prom?
(straight guys and lesbians - make your choice from section B)
B: Sue Snell or Chris Hargensen, who would you take to the prom?

-A: Billy.

-B: Sue Snell, I guess.

4: You have been given an ungodly amount of money, and total control of a major motion picture studio - what would your dream Horror project be?

-A time machine that brings back the Dario Argento of yesteryear.

5: What horror film "franchise" that others have embraced, left you cold?

-Fuck you, Saw. I'll see you in hell wear you belong.

6: Is Michael Bay the Antichrist?

-He's not nearly that important.

7: Dracula, The Wolf Man, The Frankenstein Monster - which one of these classic villains scares you, and why?

-Dracula. Or Nosferatu. Or Alucard. Or Gary Oldman.

8: Tell me about a scene from a NON HORROR Film that scares the crap out of you:

-Toy Story 3. You know the one.

9: Baby Jane Hudson invites you over to her house for lunch. What do you bring?

-My yellow friend, my blue friend, and my red friend. Maybe some nice brisket.

10: So, between you and me, do you have any ulterior motives for blogging? Come, on you can tell me, it will be our little secret, I won't tell a soul.

-To stroke my massive ego, dear boy.

11: What would you have brought to Rosemary Woodhouse's baby shower?

-Some baby sunglasses.

12: Godzilla vs The Cloverfield Monster, who wins?

-Godzilla. Cloverfield can kiss my ass.

13: If you found out that Rob Zombie was reading your blog, what would you post in hopes that he read it?

-I have nothing to say to you, sir. Go stomp on some more film reels.

14: What is your favorite NON HORROR FILM, and why?

-I can't say what my favorite or least favorite movie is. It'll drive me crazy.

15: If blogging technology did not exist, what would you be doing?

-Nothing. I'm secretly a computer virus.

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