25 and Counting...

On July 27, 1985, I wore this dress,

and this fellow watched me walk down the aisle.

Tomorrow is our 25th wedding anniversary.

Like most couples who have been married for a long time, 
we have had our share of both good and bad days.

We have two sons who have filled our lives with much joy.

I'm working all day on our anniversary tomorrow, and my husband is out of town until the day after that, so we celebrated our anniversary with a mini-vacation over the 4th of July weekend when we both had three days off.  

For our Silver anniversary we went to Silver Lake, Michigan.  The weather was beautiful as was the view.  On the other side of the lake were large sand dunes.  They don't look very big in this photo, but they looked quite big when we were climbing up and down them.  We watched the fireworks while we were there from the balcony of our hotel room.  They shot the fireworks off from the dunes out above the lake.

This is my husband sitting on one of the dunes taking a break.  
We had been climbing them for a while.  It was quite a workout.  

I think he deserves a medal for his patience and putting up with me all these years.
Tomorrow we will have been married for 25 years, and the day after tomorrow, 
will be the first day of the next 25 years, if we're lucky.  We've been very lucky so far.  I hope that it continues.

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