The Yard Bunny and Lilac Birds (Spring Poems)
The Yard Bunny
The yard bunny is lying lazily on the ground,
because he can, on a whim,
when there's no one around.
I like the way he lets his legs stretch out behind him.
I envy him there basking in the sun.
No demands on his time.
No work to be done.
Simplicity divine. Peace so sublime.
New grass and violets poke amidst the gravel all around.
Soaking up the sun is where you'll find him.
* * * * *
Lilac Birds
Lilac birds perch in purple clumps
flocking together at the top of the bush.
Feathers or flowers?
Purple plumes? or purple blooms?
It's hard to say sometimes
when shove comes to push.