
one of my favorite bloggers ever, the lovely erin from pughs' news, has started her own beautiful tumblr page, j'adore!

it's full of so many amazingly dreamy photos.

instant happiness for all occasions!


thanks to everyone for your well-wishes yesterday! i really took it easy.
here's how i did on my get healthy to-do list:
drink gallons of water? check.
take those vitamins and airborne? check.
pee every 15 min? for sure check.
sleep for 13 hours? check, and please don't hate me.
laugh till i fall out of my chair watching old SNL episodes on netflix making me overwhelmingly happy and all those icky germs annihilated? check and check!

and a bunch of you asked where I got the blue dress from my last post. it's actually a dress i ordered from lulu's, one of my favorite stores. i've spent a dangerous amount of time on that website, so be careful! : )

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