A.K.A. Falling In and Out of Love With A Vigilante It's possible there may be some mild spoilers in this entry, although I will keep them as mild as possible! As many of you know, I am super inexperienced in genre film watching to this day. While my appetite for trashy cinema may be high, my naivety may outshine it still. Death Wish is one genre staple I was minutely familiar with. Granted, I was a child most likely when I saw it, and it was probably on some local channel on a Saturday night (fuck, those were the days), but there were still parts of the film that brought back memories of sitting cross legged in front of the old wood paneled Zenith. This week I sat down with all five (yes, all five) Death Wish films. I realized a few things while watching them. Most notably: 1) Charles Bronson likes ice cream. and 2) I definitely had not seen any Death Wishes after the first. So for the unknowing, uninitiated , or even uncaring, here's my general thoughts on this classic pentalo...