Kindness Is Always In Style
With the last few days of this week bringing another year to a close, my thoughts turn to the new year and wondering what it will bring. It is a new beginning, and with a new beginning, it seems appropriate to reflect on the old and make plans for the future.
I generally don't make new year's resolutions. However, I do like to stop and take the time to think about events of the past year and pay attention to where I am in my life. It seems like a good time to re-examine my goals and refocus on them. I also like to take a look at my priorities and perhaps rearrange them as needed.
I think I'd like to put being kind at the very top of my list of priorities. I have known many kind people in my life, and I admire their ability to treat others well. I think it is admirable to be able to be kind to everyone---even to those who have not exhibited kindness themselves. After all, it is fairly easy to return kindness for kindness. It is much more difficult to show kindness to someone who expresses anger or mean-spirited ugliness.
Being kind as often as possible and to everyone who is a part of my life just seems like a worthwhile way to try to live this life that has been given to me. In my opinion, being kind is a personality trait that looks good on everyone. Kindness is always in style.
Notice I did say "try." I think it is impossible to be kind all the time. We all have bad days and bad moods that take over and spoil things for us. Things happen that are beyond our control. We must adjust and adapt our lives to the daily circumstances of being here.
Sometimes these things that happen upset the "apple cart" for us, and we are left scrambling, trying to "save the apples" that have gone flying in all directions. During these times when we are ourselves off balance, it is much more difficult to think of others first and be kind to them. Even so, I would like to head myself in the direction of being kind to all I meet, as much as I am able.
This video contains many quotes about kindness. I like the sentiments expressed here and feel it is appropriate to include with this post.