Christmas in Wisconsin!

When I told a friend that I was going to be spending Christmas in Wisconsin, he replied with, "That's the most adorable thing I've heard!" And how true that was! I spent Christmas in Oshkosh, one of the most charming little cities I've ever seen, with my grandparents, Dannon, my mom, her 7 brothers and sisters, and more cousins than I can count. It was a blast!
{my grandparents' cute house}

Christmas Eve we had a little mini Christmas with some gifts {I got this beautiful fox necklace from my mom, and some awesome books from my sister, including The Little Prince Pop-Up book!}. Then on Christmas day all the family came. We put out tables full of food and drinks and pretty much just ate all day long.
 There were also games and lots of picture-taking!
{my cute mom is on the right, with her twin and another sister}

It was a nut house! sometimes you couldn't hear the person you were talking to because there were SO many people stuffed into my grandparent's home. But it was an absolute blast!

The rest of the weekend we spent hanging out,
{me and my mom}

{don't you LOVE that chair and curtains?!}

visiting a Nutcracker Gallery,
and playing in the snow!

First it was all about catching snowflakes with our tongues and making snow angels,
but then Dannon got serious.
He built an awesome snowman, and even a snowfrog!
{click on the pic for a better view}

It was a great little holiday and perfectly worth all of our traveling horrors.

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