Weekend Photo Wrap-up
I got up early Saturday morning to get ready for work and looked out the window. This is what I saw.
This happens often here, not just at Halloween time, but year round. It is a prank played by friends on friends. Among the teenagers of this town it is a badge of honor of sorts to have your home "decorated" in such a way by your friends. My younger son laughed about the "gift" from his friends and cleaned up the mess in a matter of minutes.
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This weekend my town had their Day in the Park celebration. On Saturday, games like three legged sack races, egg tosses, water balloon games, and others were played for fun and prizes. There was an antique car show, a dunking machine, carnival food booths, picnics, and kiddie rides.
At the end of the day, a fireworks display was held over the soccer fields.
I was working at the library during most of the festivities, but here are a few photos from later in the day at the park.
Someone brought this very large dog to the playground at the park.
At the end of the day, a fireworks display was held over the soccer fields.
I was working at the library during most of the festivities, but here are a few photos from later in the day at the park.
Someone brought this very large dog to the playground at the park.
This was the Pence's Caramel Corn (and other treats) booth. Pence's is a local company that makes very popular caramel corn.
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During the week, I am generally away working at the library during what would be our usual dinner time, and we rarely eat the evening meal together as a family. So on Sundays I try to make a point of fixing dinner for the family.
"Nothing fancy, just food," was something my grandmother used to say about her cooking. That is usually true about my cooking as well. Sunday dinner was chicken drumsticks, noodles, vegetables, and fresh-baked blueberry muffins. The boys seemed to appreciate the fact that I was around to cook for them tonight.
During the week, I am generally away working at the library during what would be our usual dinner time, and we rarely eat the evening meal together as a family. So on Sundays I try to make a point of fixing dinner for the family.
"Nothing fancy, just food," was something my grandmother used to say about her cooking. That is usually true about my cooking as well. Sunday dinner was chicken drumsticks, noodles, vegetables, and fresh-baked blueberry muffins. The boys seemed to appreciate the fact that I was around to cook for them tonight.