Sights From Saturday
Judging by the number of pairs of shoes and flip-flops left by the front door, school is out for the summer and half the neighborhood has dropped by for a visit.
Many of the flowers on my daisies have been eaten off by the squirrels living in our trees, but there are a few remaining that they have missed. At first I assumed it was the rabbits that were eating them until I saw a squirrel happily dining away on the white and yellow delicacies. Hey you, squirrel, PLEASE don't eat the daisies!!
My morning glory seedlings have begun to poke their heads up out of the dirt.
It was an absolutely gorgeous day with pretty blue skies, fluffy floating clouds, and grass and trees as green as God intended them to be. I took some cloud pictures in the park from my walk tonight.
The sun is just starting to go down in these last two photos of clouds at the park. The last photo is my favorite of this group.
I loved the brilliant color of this peony flower.
There has been a bunny or maybe two in our yard quite a bit of late, but I haven't found any holes in the yard yet. They may be building their nest in the neighbor's yard this year as I have seen them over there quite a bit too.
This little baby robin still with little feather tufts on his head was hopping about in our yard and crying for its mother. The mother robin was a short distance away chirping nervously at me, not liking the fact that I was so close to her baby when I took this picture.
I hope your Saturday was filled with sights that you enjoyed.
Happy Sunday everyone, and PLEASE, don't eat the daisies!
I hope your Saturday was filled with sights that you enjoyed.
Happy Sunday everyone, and PLEASE, don't eat the daisies!