Free Career Advice

Some of you may remember the "shredded tweet" incident from last week. Well, the bill has arrived for that service call from the plumbing, heating and cooling repair guy. (Click on the image to make it bigger if you need to.)

The repair man was here at my house for 15 to 20 minutes tops!!

My career advice of the day to anyone who is just starting out or perhaps starting over in choosing a career for themselves is to consider going into the plumbing, heating and cooling business. Apparently, there is much money to be had removing dead birds from the furnaces of people like me who know nothing about furnaces and such.

Hmmmph!! Suddenly another song has begun playing in my head.

OK, well maybe I'm not quite as upset as the lyrics in that song would portray, but YIKES! I agree that removing a dead bird from a furnace combustion fan was probably a rather unpleasant task, but at $240-$320 an hour give or take a dollar or two, I am thinking perhaps I should hang up my librarian's hat and become a furnace repair person.

Just to remove a dead bird? SHEESH! I would have done it for you for free!

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