Track Meet
Friday night, we drove to my son's college to watch him pole vault at his indoor track meet.
I had never been to an indoor track meet before. All the track meets before this that I have attended have been outdoor events. The sports arena was a busy place with events happening at different times and in different areas on the track floor.
From where we were sitting in the stands, I couldn't really take very good photos with the camera that I have, but that didn't stop me from trying, of course. I took a few to show the size of the arena and so that you could see all the different events going on. Click on the pictures to get a close up view of things.
This is my younger son (closest to the camera), his girlfriend, and a neighbor friend of my sons sitting on the right side of me.
My husband was sitting on the left side of me.
Front and center and holding a pole for pole vaulting is my son talking to one of his former coaches. You can see him a little better in the second photo.
Here he is with the pole in the air and getting ready to start his run before vaulting. (I drew a blue arrow on the photo to help pinpoint him for you.)
This is one of his vaults. He didn't make it over on this one.
Here he is on his way up in the vault. I believe this is one of the vaults that he was successful with, but I'm not sure. I didn't really catch any very good photos of him vaulting, unfortunately. At this particular meet, his best pole vault height was 12 foot.
When it wasn't his turn to vault, he had to do a lot of waiting on the sidelines. The blue arrow points him out to you again.
When his teammates were vaulting, he helped catch the pole after their vaults and also watched to help them mark and count their steps to help them get their timing right when planting the pole. He also helped with measuring and setting the standards at the right places.
After the meet, we brought my son back home with us. He is here now for a few days on his spring break. It will be good to get to see him for a little while before he has to return.
I had never been to an indoor track meet before. All the track meets before this that I have attended have been outdoor events. The sports arena was a busy place with events happening at different times and in different areas on the track floor.
From where we were sitting in the stands, I couldn't really take very good photos with the camera that I have, but that didn't stop me from trying, of course. I took a few to show the size of the arena and so that you could see all the different events going on. Click on the pictures to get a close up view of things.
After the meet, we brought my son back home with us. He is here now for a few days on his spring break. It will be good to get to see him for a little while before he has to return.