Thematic Photographic 34: Simple

December 2003
We had the joy of babysitting our great-niece, Haylee (2 years old at the time), in our new home. We were in the process of putting in a lawn in the backyard and had dirt dug up and piled up everywhere.
Haylee helped water the potted plants and citrus trees, then filled the bird feeders with seed.
Her "work" done, she found a hill her size, filled a pail with dirt and wanted to make mud pies.
Her mother had sent her over in pretty blue (and clean) clothes with her hair all done up and a ribbon to match. There was no way I was going to give her back to her Mom all muddied, so I suggested we make playdough and she agreed. We went to the kitchen and I helped her mix up a batch of playdough from which she made "cookies" and "pies". When her Mom picked her up she took the playdough and went home happy (and clean).
No computers, no videos, no i-pods, nothing fancy, nothing expensive... just some simple homemade playdough. It's a good memory for me. I hope it is for her.
I love you, little girl!
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