Library Tour

Most of my readers probably know by now that I work at the local library. I took the camera to work to snap a few photos there so I could show you around. I hope you enjoy the tour. Some of these photos are a little blurry. I guess I hadn't had enough caffeine yet when I took these, or maybe I had too much! Apparently, I wasn't doing a very good job of holding the camera still either way.

I work in the adult department of the library on the second floor. I didn't take any pictures of the children's department which is on the first floor.
The photo above is the front view of the outside of the library. That picture was taken last spring.

This is the patron services desk. Behind each of those white box looking things on the ends of the desk is a computer. When I am working, you will most often find me here standing behind one or the other of those two computers. From this desk, I check materials in and out to the patrons, place holds on items, take and fill out library card applications, take fine payments, answer the phone, and do book or subject searches, among other things. When I am in other parts of the library, I am most often pushing around a little cart and shelving books or movies or locating an item for a patron.

This and the next two are shots from behind that desk and looking out into the library. Here up close you can see one of the computers where I usually work and the phone on the wall. (It seems like someone is always calling to ask what our hours are or to renew a book.)

Looking out across the room is the non fiction books section and the music CDs collection and the audiobooks collections (on cassette tapes, on CDs, and in MP3 form).
Many people like the audiobooks to take to listen to in their cars while on a trip.
Here you can see our bank of ten new computers that were recently added. These computers are here for our patrons to use to access the internet. We also have four other computers for patron use that access our card catalog of materials. Part of my job when I am working is to log in all 14 of those computers plus the two at our desk when I am there working in the morning (that is usually on Saturdays). When I am working at closing time (which is usually through the week), I have to make sure they are all logged back off again.

When standing behind the desk where I work, off to the left in front of me is our collection of DVD and VHS movies that are available to our patrons for checkout. Patrons can take out up to six movies for a week at a time from here.

On the left side of our desk is another desk where the information or reference desk librarian sits.
On beyond her desk in another room is the adult fiction collection of books.

On the opposite wall in this room is our Large Print collection of books.

This brightly painted window is on the outside of the Teen or Young Adult books room.
Inside the teen spot room, there is a colorful carpet on the floor. There is also a cozy reading nook in one corner (which I neglected to photograph) with some brightly colored throw pillows.

The Christmas tree is set up in between the two reading rooms right now.

Above the tree and between the two reading rooms is this pretty domed ceiling.

This reading room to the right is where magazines and newspapers are kept.

This reading room on the left has WiFi internet access available to our patrons. Various programs and meetings and such are often held in these two rooms as well. The sign here is advertising the book club that is held here.

Thanks for joining me on the tour. I hope you enjoyed having a glimpse into where I spend some of my time.

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