Library Tour
Most of my readers probably know by now that I work at the local library. I took the camera to work to snap a few photos there so I could show you around. I hope you enjoy the tour. Some of these photos are a little blurry. I guess I hadn't had enough caffeine yet when I took these, or maybe I had too much! Apparently, I wasn't doing a very good job of holding the camera still either way.
I work in the adult department of the library on the second floor. I didn't take any pictures of the children's department which is on the first floor. The photo above is the front view of the outside of the library. That picture was taken last spring.
Looking out across the room is the non fiction books section and the music CDs collection and the audiobooks collections (on cassette tapes, on CDs, and in MP3 form). Many people like the audiobooks to take to listen to in their cars while on a trip.
Thanks for joining me on the tour. I hope you enjoyed having a glimpse into where I spend some of my time.