The Best Things Happen While You're Dancing

At the library yesterday, someone came in asking for a book of fairy tales. When I hear the words "fairy tale," one of the first authors that comes to my mind is Hans Christian Anderson. I can remember reading many of his stories when I was young. Some of my favorites included "The Princess and the Pea," "The Ugly Duckling," and "The Emperor's New Suit."

Danny Kaye portrayed Hans Christian Anderson in a fabricated biography of his life in the movie of the same name. If you have never seen this movie, it is a fun one to watch with your family. I can remember watching and enjoying this movie many years ago. I especially liked and remembered a scene from the movie when Danny Kaye sings a song about Thumbelina.
Here's the Thumbelina scene to give you a glimpse of it.

Although Danny Kaye is singing in the above clip, he was also known for his dancing. Since I don't like to miss an opportunity to have some one dance on my blog, I thought you also might like this clip of Danny Kaye dancing to "The Best Things Happen While You're Dancing" from the movie White Christmas.

I hope the best things happen to you today while you're dancing through your day.

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