Damn... I knew it would be difficult

Sis’ marriage.

Dad, you are an absolute gem.

A New Chapter begins for us.

God Willing, I should be back in institute tomorrow by this time.

P.S. : Kerala-the state- You are beautiful but you s**k.
You love it when things don’t move. You thrive on holidays and you are at your best when you have nothing to do.
In my five years of education here , I have seen more hartals, strikes and lockouts than in my other 13 years of educational and professional life elsewhere in India (read U.P.,Rajasthan,Assam,Karnataka and Maharshtra) . I don’t quite get it when for every issue that you want to bring to public notice you have to resort to stoppage of work.

I wonder how they do it in other states in India. On second thoughts I think I know how they do it in other states without disrupting normal public life.

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