Comments and Dialogues

"Blog it and join me for a cup of tea" said he.The first was an option I had just reconsidered and the second an invitation he knew I always declined.Morpheus (Anurag S. for Non-SPJainites) had just finshed his blogging for the nite and was going for his customary sojourn of 15 mins downstairs at the nite canteen.If SPSS were to be fed with Morpheus's time spent at the canteen every nite in relation to a time series data for each of the six months we have been here I am sure the obfuscated software would screw up the study with loads of checked boxes,tables and within them numbers that would seem to throw prophetic conclusions but in effect come up with a ridiculously simple observation that in mathematical terms is referred to as "negative correlation".

Clearly.. SPSS is yet to impress me.

Picture this:

Our Quant teacher:So I have three Centroid values 903,972,988.Comments?(Am quoting verbatim.He teaches us with our "comments")

Poor student in the third row (striving hard to figure out what a centroid is ,where did these figures come from and not sure whether about the topic of discussion): Sir I think the difference between the first two numbers is much more than the difference between the last two.So...there are chances that the third number is at a far lesser distance from the second than the first is from the second.. So...

Our Quant teacher: Brilliant!! ..So now you know what a centroid is!!!

Poor student alongside the Poor student in the third row : Clearly ..SPSS is yet to impress me.

I can strive hard too but only beyond the obvious "comments" .I try to listen too but only to things that make sense.Quant classes with this Quant teacher never do.

But experience has played a huge role in shaping my frame of mind when I am in the college nowadays and such daily occurences evoke at best a smile on my face representing an innate ability to not fall laughin and rolling on the floor even after a blindingly stupid comment.This brings to my mind another one

Communications Teacher: So what did you learn?

Student with a rich comment in the first row:That we need to analyse a problem first and only then come up with a solution.

Communications Teacher:Anything else you wud add?

Student with a rich comment in the first row:Modest shrug

Communications Teacher:She is right..blah blah..blah..

So when you can recall such instances so easily at 3 am in the morning it really says a lot about the "low spread of variability "(by the way this is my biggest takeaway from Quant after 6 months - to use mathematical terms when most unsuitable) of such abundant superlative intellectual "comments" in a business school.

But GASP is a little different.Its precious and relevant to some 25 of us here and when we get together in the evenings its a boisterous rendezvous. Now picture this:

Today's rehearsal

Character 1: Blah blah..

Charater 2: Blah blah..

Character 3:

Character 3 had forgotten his dialogue. Forgive him.

General Comments: "Character 3 is still learning ..better than yesterday".Once again come on now everybody..

Character 4: Blah blah..

Character 2: Blah blah..

Character 3:

Character 3 in a business cycle that repeated in less than 2 minutes.

General Comments: "Its ok ... Take your time. We will handle .. "

Next Scene please

Character 3 :Messes up again

General Comments: None.. Only sighs..

Aaarrrggghh.. Not for nothing had I relinquished my newspaper in favour of the script of the play in the most peaceful place of them all in SPJain Campus in the morning today.Not for nothing had I asked my dear roomies to play Characters 1 and 2 and 4 at 1 am last nite.Not for nothing had I feverishly made notes on the script while everyone else at 2 am was busy studying for Quant last nite.

When I had nothing to do this Diwali back home with nothing on my mind I realized that nothingness is what Man aims at the end of it all.

But nothingness when its your turn to speak a dialogue in a serious script with 11 other characters is a little precarious and a little uninspiring for the other 11.

Character 3 ,I understand now wants to make amends and get back to script reading.

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