Original Title: Santa Claus Year: 1959 Director: René Cardona Writer: Adolfo Torres Portillo , René Cardona IMDb: Genre: Horror!!!!! synopsis: With the aid of Merlin, Santa Claus must defeat the evil machinations of the devil Pitch to ruin Xmas. Surpriiiiise! I saved the scariest until last! Today! Halloween! Eve of El Dia de Muertos! Thank you everyone for reading and commenting and enjoying (cough) my super theme month. But now, onto the dirty work. I've covered a lot of trash and a few treasures this month, but I have to say Santa Claus, while very weird and entertaining for the wrong reasons, just sucks a fat one as a film. UGGGGGHHHHH I was so bored watching this most of the time. Let's cover the good stuff though for the sake of the holiday. Santa is a fucking weirdo creep! José Elías Moreno plays the jolly one in Cardona's vision of the Christmas legend, and isn't bad I suppose. I mean, Santa is supposed to be a fat fucker th...